Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Proof I'm not Paranoid (sometimes all the school girls really are out to get you)

This lovely requested an internship with my husband today—photo courtesy of Facebook. And if you're thinking it's her doppelganger ... oh no ... she's pretty proud that her photography class likes her latest pinup style self-portrait. (That's right. Her latest.)

For those of you who are not regulars, the backstory is here.


I've looked forward to food section Wednesdays since my first subscription to the New York Times, back when it was paper and came in a blue bag with my apartment number scrawled in Sharpie. I lived in Chicago, in a studio on Belden Avenue, katty corner from Tower Records and some deli with pickles on the table. I had an upstairs neighbor who enjoyed making obscene noises very, very late. In sweet retribution I would set my CD alarm clock, at full volume on Saturdays and Sundays, for 6:42 in the morning. Moments after I walked out the door to serve the omelette of the day to entitled Lincoln Park yuppies, my alarm treated my wonton neighbor and her naked friends to Philip Glass' Einstein on the Beach

I still love food section Wednesdays (and science Tuesdays, and home and garden Thursdays) and the idea of a dedicated day to share food and drink ideas. Here are some of my favorites from this week:
The dangers of giving people what they want here.
Good head here. (Mark and I enjoyed this a few weeks ago and it was very complex.)
Sustainable fish in Safeway and Target here. (My bus buddy Margaret will be the first to tell you that Alaska makes you a salmon snob. She's right.)
Crazy avocados here.
Dedication I have yet to experience here.
Bliss here.

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Cookies are Still Naked

Stay up all night decorating cookies and hate life or eat naked cookies and love life?


The icing is still stored properly so I can bust it out at any time. Maybe tomorrow or maybe not. Mark's new trick is opening the piping bags and dunking the cookies into the pink. I like the cookies as is.

Because of my distaste for weakness and empathy and heartfelt concern, it's a little known fact that I'm a sucker for Valentine's Day. (It's also a little know fact that I have an elaborate boar hunting fantasy, but that's for a different post.) My wedding anniversary? Haven't remembered it in years. Christmas? More and more it's just another dark day. Thanksgiving? If you've seen one Tofurkey, you've seen 'em all.

But Valentine's is special. It brings out my inner school girl and makes me want pink and red and purple heart shaped anything. Which is to say, I think I'll make more heart shaped cookies next weekend—take the easy way out and decorate them with pink and red and purple sugar. Bring them into work. Share the love.