Monday, January 11, 2010

Page 256 is My New Favorite Page

James Peterson is doing me right.

It was just like he promised with his prose and his pictures. Everything—from the texture of the dough to the sound of my Kitchenaid. This is the instructional manual I was looking for.

In the mood for a quick hit of success I made short bread cookies after dinner. They are fantastic in every way. They're sweet, crumbly, buttery, and salty. I love them. We're back on track.

The cookies go in the oven as a slab and after they come out, when they're still hot, that's when you cut them. I pulled a chef's knife across the surface, and the dough pulled a little. The edges of the cookies were jagged. I tried pressing down on the knife instead and it worked but was tedious. So I tried my pizza cutter. Perfect.


  1. Success and a beautiful photo! What more could we ask? Now you are making me curious. I am not much of a baker. Maybe I will try a little something for fun! I will probably rise to the level of my photography...adequate. That's ok. At least one may eat cookies!

  2. Thanks so much! I still have lots in the kitchen. I think I'm going to have to bring them into work.
